SODA / Healy / Beaufort Sea 16/09—16/10/18

Five weeks aboard the USCG Healy in the Beaufort Sea pack ice, deploying our instruments for the ONR SODA project
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Bad start to the trip - my floats got left behind in Seattle and had to be super-rush flown to Nome and brought out to the ship in a crab-boat. oops.…
Working on the 'Stablemoor' which houses our upward-looking multibeam sonar and the breakway temperature chain (blue cable). Just-in-time manufacturing, ahem
Launching one of many SeaGliders off the stern
Our fleet of five WIMBOs, out on the helideck for testing
We were briefly visited by a very young Gyrfalcon. He flew away again after a short while, so maybe he knew what he was doing?
The dreaded rope wozzle. I bought 1600ft of rope which, incredibly, was delivered in this godawful mess that took us three days to untangle. Won't be buying…
Ship's crew decorating polystyrene cups - these shrink to a fraction of their normal size when they're lowered to the seabed, 4km down. A bit of fun.
One of the three completed Stablemoors being launched into some serious waves
The very fine US Coastguard icebreaker Healy, parked at Cluster 3
The sled team (Carl, Annabel, Taylor, Luc & Jeremy) pull one of the flippin' heavy WIMBOs out to the deployment site.