6/18: Albatross 04—09/06/18

Ten days whizzing around French airshows in Bill & Gina's Very Big Toy
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Reception committee at Biscarosse - in temporally appropriate style
First arrival at Biscarosse lake - a very low pass over these boating kiddies
Taxi-ing in and out of the lake, with me in the nose hatch (and the camera's electronic shutter making the props all bendy)
The crawlway into the nose space - past the spaghetti
View of the flightdeck - with fishfinder!
Landing gear down, ready to emerge onto dry land - in this case the old Air France transatlantic terminal, back in the day when seaplanes ruled the world
They had us all set-up with a vintage plane photo-shoot
Photographer seems to have left one door behind completely
Our DC-3 was (briefly) joined by a Rafale from the French Navy - he's having trouble flying this slowly (110 kts)
Heading back to the lake in company with the DC-3. Pete watches out the back door